array(5 items)
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' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0015' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
563 => array(65 items) uid => '563' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil de loisirs élémentaire du Centre' (42 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '2 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 49 76 47 04' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '55' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815231' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459031' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788168/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0016' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
560 => array(65 items) uid => '560' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil de loisirs maternel Delacroix' (37 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 87' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '54' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0013' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
558 => array(65 items) uid => '558' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil de loisirs maternel du Centre' (37 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '6 impasse Junot' (15 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 49' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '54' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818295' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426189' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0011' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
561 => array(65 items) uid => '561' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil de loisirs maternel du Plateau' (38 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '4 rue des sureaux' (17 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 43 75 34 50' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '54' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.819576' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.421311' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0014' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
559 => array(65 items) uid => '559' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil de loisirs maternel Gravelle' (36 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '2 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 49 76 47 47' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '54' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815231' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459031' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788168/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0012' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
615 => array(65 items) uid => '615' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Accueil Famille' (15 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 78' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0069' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
618 => array(65 items) uid => '618' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Cabinet du Maire' (16 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0072' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
761 => array(65 items) uid => '761' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1488296911' (10 chars) crdate => '1488296911' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'CFA Andrieux - Centre Universitaire de Formation par l'Apprentissage aux mé
                  tiers de l'automobile
' (97 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '150/156 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (32 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'Saint-Maurice' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 41 79 16 90' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791593/marker
' (107 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '761' (3 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
762 => array(65 items) uid => '762' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1488296972' (10 chars) crdate => '1488296969' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'CFA SUP 2000 - Centre Universitaire de Formation par l'Apprentissage' (68 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => 'Moulin de la Chaussée - place Jean Jaurès' (43 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'Saint-Maurice' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 43 53 68 00' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791593/marker
' (107 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '762' (3 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
588 => array(65 items) uid => '588' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Cimetière' (10 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '24 villa Vacassy' (16 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 62' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '62' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.819248' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.435562' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791382/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0041' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
548 => array(65 items) uid => '548' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Collège Edmond Nocard' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 place de l'écluse' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 11 73 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '50' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815018' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.455786' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791591/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0001' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
765 => array(65 items) uid => '765' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1652874877' (10 chars) crdate => '1512644017' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Commissariat de Police' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '26 rue de Conflans' (18 chars) zip => '94220' (5 chars) city => 'Charenton-le-Pont' (17 chars) phone1 => '01 43 53 61 20' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791379/marker
' (131 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0088' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
578 => array(65 items) uid => '578' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1483017597' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Conservatoire de musique et d'art dramatique Olivier Messiaen' (61 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '30 bis rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (31 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 59' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '58' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817802' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.42471' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791588/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0031' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
608 => array(65 items) uid => '608' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Crèche collective Les diablotins' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 rue Maurice Gredat' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '09 64 45 28 77' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818733' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.433448' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0062' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
604 => array(65 items) uid => '604' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Crèche Delacroix' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 57' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0058' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
606 => array(65 items) uid => '606' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Crèche les Dauphins' (20 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '4 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 49 76 47 40' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815075' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458834' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0060' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
605 => array(65 items) uid => '605' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Crèche les Goélands' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '10 bis avenue des Canadiens' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 48 89 71 33' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.816921' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.457514' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0059' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
624 => array(65 items) uid => '624' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction de l'enfance, de la jeunesse et du jumelage' (53 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0078' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
617 => array(65 items) uid => '617' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction de la communication' (29 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0071' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
626 => array(65 items) uid => '626' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des affaires familiales' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0080' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
622 => array(65 items) uid => '622' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des affaires financières et de l'audit de gestion' (60 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0076' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
614 => array(65 items) uid => '614' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des affaires générales' (34 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 24' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0068' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
621 => array(65 items) uid => '621' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des marchés publics' (30 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0075' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
616 => array(65 items) uid => '616' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des relations publiques et vie associative' (52 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0070' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
627 => array(65 items) uid => '627' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des ressources humaines' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0081' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
628 => array(65 items) uid => '628' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des services techniques' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 80 13' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0082' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
625 => array(65 items) uid => '625' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction des solidarités' (26 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0079' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
619 => array(65 items) uid => '619' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Direction générale des services' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0073' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
555 => array(65 items) uid => '555' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole élémentaire de Gravelle' (31 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '2 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 49 76 47 00 ' (16 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '52' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815231' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459031' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788168/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0008' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
553 => array(65 items) uid => '553' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole élémentaire du Centre' (29 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '49 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 52' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '52' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818356' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.42582' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788168/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0006' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
554 => array(65 items) uid => '554' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole élémentaire Roger Revet' (31 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '5 TER rue Eugène Delacroix' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 56 29 50 32' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '52' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.823532' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.420564' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788168/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0007' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
551 => array(65 items) uid => '551' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole maternelle de Gravelle' (28 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '2 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => ' 01 49 76 47 47' (16 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '51' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815231' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459031' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0004' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
552 => array(65 items) uid => '552' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole maternelle Delacroix' (26 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 56' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '51' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0005' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
550 => array(65 items) uid => '550' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole maternelle du Centre' (26 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '6 impasse Junot' (15 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 48' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '51' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818295' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426189' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0003' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
549 => array(65 items) uid => '549' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Ecole maternelle du Plateau' (27 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '4 rue des sureaux' (17 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 56 29 50 64' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '51' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.819576' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.421311' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/788165/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0002' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
587 => array(65 items) uid => '587' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Eglise communale Saint-Maurice' (30 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '59 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '61' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818184' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.43298' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791371/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0040' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
586 => array(65 items) uid => '586' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Eglise des Saints-Anges Gardiens' (32 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 allée Jean Biguet' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 48 86 62 15' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '61' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815437' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.456118' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791371/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0039' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
585 => array(65 items) uid => '585' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Eglise Saint-André' (19 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '22 avenue de Verdun (angle rue de Verdun et rue du Val d'Osne)' (62 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 43 68 04 18' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '61' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.82209' (8 chars) geo_longitude => '2.42326' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791371/marker/~7
' (102 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0038' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
594 => array(65 items) uid => '594' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Espace Delacroix' (16 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0047' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
630 => array(65 items) uid => '630' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Espace emploi' (13 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 80 68' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0084' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
581 => array(65 items) uid => '581' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Espace sportif "Le Verseau"' (27 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '30 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '59' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814106' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.456621' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791996/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0034' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
580 => array(65 items) uid => '580' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1483017581' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Espace sportif extérieur et centre municipal des sports' (56 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '9 avenue de la Villa Antony' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 50' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '59' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814106' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.456621' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791996/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0033' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
607 => array(65 items) uid => '607' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Halte garderie Les petits mousses' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 rue Maurice Gredat' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 49 76 47 18' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818733' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.433448' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0061' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
583 => array(65 items) uid => '583' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Hôpitaux de Saint-Maurice' (26 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '14 rue du Val d'Osne' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 43 96 63 63' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '60' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.822075' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.423481' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791367/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0036' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
584 => array(65 items) uid => '584' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Le Centre de Protection Infantile (CPI)' (39 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Maison de la Petite Enfance - 1 rue Maurice Gredat' (51 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 41' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '60' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818733' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.433448' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0037' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
593 => array(65 items) uid => '593' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Les Jardins d'Arcadie' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 avenue du Chemin de Presles' (29 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 48 89 35 35' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '64' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.81691' (8 chars) geo_longitude => '2.460945' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791994/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0046' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
592 => array(65 items) uid => '592' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Les jardins de Cybèle / Colisée' (33 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 bis rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (31 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 56 29 57 57' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '64' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818024' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426344' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791994/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0045' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
600 => array(65 items) uid => '600' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'MAIRIE' (6 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '66' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0054' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
769 => array(65 items) uid => '769' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1621340303' (10 chars) crdate => '1621340277' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Mairie annexe - Maison France services' (38 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '3 rue Fragonard' (15 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '0149764755' (10 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/9070
' (78 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => 'Mairie annexe - Maison France services' (38 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
602 => array(65 items) uid => '602' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Maison de la Petite Enfance' (27 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '1 rue Maurice Gredat' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '68' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818733' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.433448' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0056' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
557 => array(65 items) uid => '557' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Maison des Adolescents de Gravelle' (34 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '133 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (28 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => ' 01 43 97 35 52' (16 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '53' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.816097' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459819' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791598/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0010' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
556 => array(65 items) uid => '556' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Maison des Jeunes de Delacroix' (30 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 83' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '53' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791598/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0009' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
589 => array(65 items) uid => '589' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Marché Emile Bertrand' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '34 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny' (44 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '63' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.821033' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.420298' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/792120/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0042' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
577 => array(65 items) uid => '577' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Médiathèque Eugène Delacroix' (31 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '29 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 81 71' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '58' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.81813' (8 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422099' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791588/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0030' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
759 => array(65 items) uid => '759' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1483526893' (10 chars) crdate => '1483018337' (10 chars) cruser_id => '6' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Médiathèque Montgolfier' (25 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '6 place Montgolfier (maison communale)' (38 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '0149764725' (10 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '' (0 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791588/marker
' (107 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0086' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
763 => array(65 items) uid => '763' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1498204756' (10 chars) crdate => '1498204414' (10 chars) cruser_id => '6' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Monument aux morts de Saint-Maurice' (35 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => 'en face de la Mairie qui se trouve au 55 de la rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (71 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '' (0 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '' (0 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 611 => array(65 items) uid => '611' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Moulin de la Chaussée' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' place Jean Jaurès' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '70' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818031' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.424834' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/search/moulin de la chaus
' (118 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0065' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
574 => array(65 items) uid => '574' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking de l'Abreuvoir' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '46 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817989' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.433473' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0027' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
572 => array(65 items) uid => '572' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking de l'Echangeur' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '188 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (28 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818596' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.439877' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0025' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
575 => array(65 items) uid => '575' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking de l'Ecluse' (19 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Place de l'Écluse' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814892' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.45654' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0028' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
570 => array(65 items) uid => '570' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking Delacroix' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '18 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817993' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422754' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0023' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
576 => array(65 items) uid => '576' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking des Canadiens' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' avenue des Canadiens' (21 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817169' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458972' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0029' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
573 => array(65 items) uid => '573' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking du Val d'Osne' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '12 rue du Val d'Osne' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818985' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.4245' (6 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (102 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0026' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
571 => array(65 items) uid => '571' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Parking Montgolfier' (19 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Place Montgolfier' (18 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '57' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814869' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459254' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/793059/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0024' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
599 => array(65 items) uid => '599' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Pavillon des Bords de Marne' (27 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' chemin de halage accès par le 67 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (59 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818359' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.43367' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0052' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
601 => array(65 items) uid => '601' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Police Municipale' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '47 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '800 094 410' (13 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '67' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818211' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.425007' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791379/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0055' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
623 => array(65 items) uid => '623' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Régie principale' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0077' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
603 => array(65 items) uid => '603' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1665404087' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Relais Petite Enfance' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '4 impasse Junot' (15 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 43' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818138' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426237' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791385/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0057' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
590 => array(65 items) uid => '590' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Résidence de Presles' (21 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '41 avenue du Chemin de Presles' (30 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 48 86 68 99' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '64' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815681' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.462978' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791994/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0043' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
591 => array(65 items) uid => '591' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Résidence Les Jardins des Acacias' (34 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '8 allée des acacias' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 55 97 17 60' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '64' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815784' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.463772' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791994/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0044' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
582 => array(65 items) uid => '582' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Saint-Maurice Tonic - Salle des Sports' (38 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '12 14 rue Paul Verlaine' (23 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '59' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815334' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458649' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791996/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0035' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
764 => array(65 items) uid => '764' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1510669253' (10 chars) crdate => '1510669208' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle Adirka' (12 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '22 avenue des Canadiens' (23 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '0' (1 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker
' (131 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '' (0 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
760 => array(65 items) uid => '760' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1484053211' (10 chars) crdate => '1484045862' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle des Arcades' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '25 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'Saint-Maurice' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '' (0 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_longitude => '0' (1 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker
' (133 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0087' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
598 => array(65 items) uid => '598' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle des Familles' (18 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '6 Place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814926' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458971' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0051' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
596 => array(65 items) uid => '596' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle Georges Guyon' (19 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '18 bis rue Adrien Damalix' (25 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.821293' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422031' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0049' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
597 => array(65 items) uid => '597' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle Louis Jouvet' (18 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '14 rue Paul Verlaine' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.815334' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458649' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0050' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
595 => array(65 items) uid => '595' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle Marcel Pagnol' (19 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '2 impasse Junot' (15 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818146' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.42609' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0048' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
613 => array(65 items) uid => '613' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Salle Rotonde' (13 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '6 place Montgolfier' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814926' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458971' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0067' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
612 => array(65 items) uid => '612' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'SAMI' (4 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '14 rue du Val d'Osne' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '60' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.822075' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.423481' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/search/sami/marker/~75479
' (100 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0066' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
620 => array(65 items) uid => '620' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Service des affaires juridiques, gestion du patrimoine, assurances' (66 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0074' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
629 => array(65 items) uid => '629' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Service des archives et de la documentation' (43 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '55 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 10' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.817951' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.426546' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/0/marker/~750441
' (99 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0083' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
631 => array(65 items) uid => '631' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Service municipal des sports' (28 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '9 avenue de la Villa Antony' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '01 45 18 82 50' (14 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '71' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814106' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.456621' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791996/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0085' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
566 => array(65 items) uid => '566' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square Cuif' (11 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' angle de la rue Cuif et de la rue de la Pompe' (46 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.81892' (8 chars) geo_longitude => '2.420646' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0019' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
569 => array(65 items) uid => '569' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square du Cadran' (16 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Place du Cadran' (16 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818676' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.423755' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0022' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
564 => array(65 items) uid => '564' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square du Moulin Rouge' (22 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '62 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818073' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.435519' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0017' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
565 => array(65 items) uid => '565' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square du Val d'Osne' (20 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' angle de l'avenue de Gravelle et de la rue du Val d'Osne' (57 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818417' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.423962' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0018' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
567 => array(65 items) uid => '567' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128079' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128079' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square Jean-Paul Belmondo' (25 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' place de l'écluse' (19 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '47.892906' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.05281' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0020' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
568 => array(65 items) uid => '568' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Square Raoul Dufy' (17 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Quai Bir Hakeim' (16 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '56' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.813766' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.458299' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791602/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0021' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
609 => array(65 items) uid => '609' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Station Autolib' Montgolfier' (28 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => ' Parking Montgolfier' (20 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '69' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.814869' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.459254' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/search/autolib/marker/~75
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0063' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
610 => array(65 items) uid => '610' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Station Autolib' Verdun' (23 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '16 bis avenue de verdun' (23 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '69' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.822113' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.421544' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/search/autolib/marker/~75
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0064' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
579 => array(65 items) uid => '579' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Théâtre du Val d'Osne (TVO)' (29 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '49 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '58' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818356' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.42582' (7 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791588/marker/~7
' (103 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0032' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
categories => array(28 items) 1 => array(34 items) uid => '1' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477317432' (10 chars) crdate => '1477315985' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '17920' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
' (145 chars) title => 'Administration' (14 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
4 => array(34 items) uid => '4' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319304' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319297' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '10496' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
' (145 chars) title => 'Commémorations' (15 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
5 => array(34 items) uid => '5' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319335' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319317' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '10752' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
' (145 chars) title => 'Commerce' (8 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
6 => array(34 items) uid => '6' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319343' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319340' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11008' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
' (145 chars) title => 'Culture' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
7 => array(34 items) uid => '7' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319353' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319353' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11264' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Démarches' (10 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 8 => array(34 items) uid => '8' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319362' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319362' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11520' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Economie' (8 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 9 => array(34 items) uid => '9' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319370' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319370' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11776' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Emploi' (6 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 10 => array(34 items) uid => '10' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319380' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319380' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '12032' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Enfance' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 11 => array(34 items) uid => '11' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319394' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319394' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '12288' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Environnement' (13 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 12 => array(34 items) uid => '12' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319403' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319403' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '12544' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Famille' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 13 => array(34 items) uid => '13' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319416' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319416' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '12800' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Festival' (8 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 14 => array(34 items) uid => '14' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319428' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319428' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '13056' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Fêtes' (6 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 15 => array(34 items) uid => '15' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319442' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319442' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '13312' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Jeunesse' (8 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 16 => array(34 items) uid => '16' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319452' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319452' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '13568' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Logement' (8 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 17 => array(34 items) uid => '17' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319461' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319461' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '13824' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Métropole du Grand Paris' (25 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 18 => array(34 items) uid => '18' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319471' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319471' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '14080' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Plan Local d'Urbanisme' (22 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 19 => array(34 items) uid => '19' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319486' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319486' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '14336' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Prévention santé' (18 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 20 => array(34 items) uid => '20' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319495' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319495' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '14592' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Sécurité' (10 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 21 => array(34 items) uid => '21' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319506' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319506' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '14848' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Seniors' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 22 => array(34 items) uid => '22' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319535' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319535' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '15104' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Solidarité' (11 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 23 => array(34 items) uid => '23' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319543' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319543' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '15360' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Sports' (6 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 24 => array(34 items) uid => '24' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319551' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319551' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '15616' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Territoire Paris Est Marne et Bois' (34 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 25 => array(34 items) uid => '25' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319557' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319557' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '15872' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Transport' (9 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 26 => array(34 items) uid => '26' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319564' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319564' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '16128' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Travaux' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 27 => array(34 items) uid => '27' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319573' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319573' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '16384' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Urbanisme' (9 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 28 => array(34 items) uid => '28' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319580' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319580' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '16640' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Vie associative' (15 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 29 => array(34 items) uid => '29' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319588' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319588' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '16896' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Vie de quartier' (15 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) 30 => array(34 items) uid => '30' (2 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319599' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319599' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '17152' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Vie municipale' (14 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
action => 'single' (6 chars)
data => array(84 items) uid => '213' (3 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_swapmode => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027228' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '1492809539' (10 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) fe_group => '0' (1 chars) doktype => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Festival Salsa Espace Delacroix' (31 chars) subtitle => '' (0 chars) abstract => 'Barbaro Fines y su Mayimbe et Tomi y su timbalight en concert' (61 chars) text1 => '<h2>L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe e
         t Tomi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30.</h2> <str
         ong>Venez découvrir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de
         de danse seront dispensés par Thierry de l'école de danse cubaine et carib
         éenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzalez de Cuba sin fronteras. <strong>Ven
         dredi 26 mai : </strong>cours, animations et concert - Barbaro y su Mayimbe
         - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael <strong>Samedi 27 mai :</st
         rong> cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et El Pa
         staguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservation d
         e 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé aux
         résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domicile
          et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (1041 chars) text2 => NULL text3 => NULL text4 => NULL text5 => NULL text6 => NULL varchar1 => '' (0 chars) varchar2 => '' (0 chars) varchar3 => '' (0 chars) varchar4 => '' (0 chars) varchar5 => '' (0 chars) varchar6 => '' (0 chars) image1 => array(80 items) uid => '1056' (4 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027622' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) sorting => '641280' (6 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => '3268' (4 chars) uid_foreign => '213' (3 chars) tablenames => 'tx_artificaagenda_event' (23 chars) fieldname => 'image1' (6 chars) sorting_foreign => '1' (1 chars) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) downloadname => NULL crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => '0' (1 chars) missing => '0' (1 chars) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => '1' (1 chars) identifier => '/' (76 chars) identifier_hash => '1ea935be0574d646fdcfb9e353ffc9e720319c91' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'salsa2017_bandeau.jpg' (21 chars) sha1 => '842a01752ce824af576c5fa453199c908c6fca5e' (40 chars) size => '115043' (6 chars) creation_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) modification_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) folder_hash => '6623b73ca2c29e453d197d88120c3738cfdbecaa' (40 chars) file => '3268' (4 chars) width => '1540' (4 chars) height => '740' (3 chars) categories => '0' (1 chars) visible => '1' (1 chars) status => '' (0 chars) keywords => NULL caption => NULL creator_tool => '' (0 chars) download_name => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) publisher => '' (0 chars) source => '' (0 chars) copyright => NULL location_country => '' (0 chars) location_region => '' (0 chars) location_city => '' (0 chars) latitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) longitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) ranking => '0' (1 chars) content_creation_date => '0' (1 chars) content_modification_date => '0' (1 chars) note => NULL unit => '' (0 chars) duration => '0' (1 chars) color_space => '' (0 chars) pages => '0' (1 chars) language => '' (0 chars) fe_groups => NULL url1 => NULL url2 => NULL subtitle => '' (0 chars) __file__ => 'fileadmin/
' (85 chars)
image1_url => '' (0 chars) image2 => array(80 items) uid => '1057' (4 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027622' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) sorting => '641024' (6 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => '3267' (4 chars) uid_foreign => '213' (3 chars) tablenames => 'tx_artificaagenda_event' (23 chars) fieldname => 'image2' (6 chars) sorting_foreign => '1' (1 chars) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) downloadname => NULL crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => '0' (1 chars) missing => '0' (1 chars) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => '1' (1 chars) identifier => '/
' (86 chars) identifier_hash => '167c084f7c399e9dad5e81bd9fc2d9c90829a192' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'salsa-festival2017_vignette.jpg' (31 chars) sha1 => 'f393d59e0964b0f7d94f725381ff7f20bee41a19' (40 chars) size => '48274' (5 chars) creation_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) modification_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) folder_hash => '6623b73ca2c29e453d197d88120c3738cfdbecaa' (40 chars) file => '3267' (4 chars) width => '720' (3 chars) height => '410' (3 chars) categories => '0' (1 chars) visible => '1' (1 chars) status => '' (0 chars) keywords => NULL caption => NULL creator_tool => '' (0 chars) download_name => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) publisher => '' (0 chars) source => '' (0 chars) copyright => NULL location_country => '' (0 chars) location_region => '' (0 chars) location_city => '' (0 chars) latitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) longitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) ranking => '0' (1 chars) content_creation_date => '0' (1 chars) content_modification_date => '0' (1 chars) note => NULL unit => '' (0 chars) duration => '0' (1 chars) color_space => '' (0 chars) pages => '0' (1 chars) language => '' (0 chars) fe_groups => NULL url1 => NULL url2 => NULL subtitle => '' (0 chars) __file__ => 'fileadmin/
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image2_url => '' (0 chars) image3 => array(80 items) uid => '1058' (4 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027622' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) sorting => '640768' (6 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => '3268' (4 chars) uid_foreign => '213' (3 chars) tablenames => 'tx_artificaagenda_event' (23 chars) fieldname => 'image3' (6 chars) sorting_foreign => '1' (1 chars) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) downloadname => NULL crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => '0' (1 chars) missing => '0' (1 chars) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => '1' (1 chars) identifier => '/' (76 chars) identifier_hash => '1ea935be0574d646fdcfb9e353ffc9e720319c91' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'salsa2017_bandeau.jpg' (21 chars) sha1 => '842a01752ce824af576c5fa453199c908c6fca5e' (40 chars) size => '115043' (6 chars) creation_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) modification_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) folder_hash => '6623b73ca2c29e453d197d88120c3738cfdbecaa' (40 chars) file => '3268' (4 chars) width => '1540' (4 chars) height => '740' (3 chars) categories => '0' (1 chars) visible => '1' (1 chars) status => '' (0 chars) keywords => NULL caption => NULL creator_tool => '' (0 chars) download_name => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) publisher => '' (0 chars) source => '' (0 chars) copyright => NULL location_country => '' (0 chars) location_region => '' (0 chars) location_city => '' (0 chars) latitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) longitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) ranking => '0' (1 chars) content_creation_date => '0' (1 chars) content_modification_date => '0' (1 chars) note => NULL unit => '' (0 chars) duration => '0' (1 chars) color_space => '' (0 chars) pages => '0' (1 chars) language => '' (0 chars) fe_groups => NULL url1 => NULL url2 => NULL subtitle => '' (0 chars) __file__ => 'fileadmin/
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image3_url => '' (0 chars) organizer => '0' (1 chars) organizer_alternative => NULL location => array(65 items) uid => '594' (3 chars) pid => '173' (3 chars) tstamp => '1481128080' (10 chars) crdate => '1481128080' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) ouid => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Espace Delacroix' (16 chars) responsible => '' (0 chars) address => '27 rue du Maréchal Leclerc' (27 chars) zip => '94410' (5 chars) city => 'SAINT-MAURICE' (13 chars) phone1 => '' (0 chars) phone2 => '' (0 chars) phone3 => '' (0 chars) fax => NULL web => NULL email => NULL meeting => NULL text => NULL shortText => NULL contact => NULL category => '65' (2 chars) feuser => '0' (1 chars) code_NAF => '' (0 chars) code_SIRENE => '' (0 chars) code_SIRET => '' (0 chars) district => '' (0 chars) staff => '' (0 chars) sign => '' (0 chars) url => '' (0 chars) image => '' (0 chars) complement1 => NULL complement2 => NULL complement3 => NULL complement4 => NULL complement5 => NULL complement6 => NULL complement7 => NULL complement8 => NULL complement9 => NULL complement10 => NULL complement11 => NULL complement12 => NULL complement13 => NULL complement14 => NULL complement15 => NULL complement16 => NULL tt_categories => '' (0 chars) alias => '0' (1 chars) geo_latitude => '48.818283' (9 chars) geo_longitude => '2.422177' (8 chars) geo_url => '!/category/791618/marker/~7
' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0047' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
location_text => NULL keywords => '' (0 chars) tariffs => NULL files => '' (0 chars) date => array(1 item) 0 => array(25 items) uid => '203' (3 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027228' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '1495749600' (10 chars) endtime => '1495836000' (10 chars) title => NULL description => '' (0 chars) event => '213' (3 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_swapmode => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting_foreign => '0' (1 chars) wording => '' (0 chars) url1 => NULL url2 => NULL page => '0' (1 chars) external_url => '' (0 chars) category => '0' (1 chars) preregisted => '0' (1 chars) free_entry => '0' (1 chars) principal_posting => '0' (1 chars) external_relation => '0' (1 chars) html => NULL reference_id => '' (0 chars) tree_uids => '0' (1 chars) resources => NULL tags => NULL related_element => '' (0 chars) duration => '' (0 chars) media => '0' (1 chars) wording => '' (0 chars) date_start => '1495749600' (10 chars) date_end => '1495836000' (10 chars) date-description => '' (0 chars) date_uid => '203' (3 chars) description => '<h2>L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe e
         t Tomi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30.</h2> <str
         ong>Venez découvrir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de
         de danse seront dispensés par Thierry de l'école de danse cubaine et carib
         éenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzalez de Cuba sin fronteras. <strong>Ven
         dredi 26 mai : </strong>cours, animations et concert - Barbaro y su Mayimbe
         - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael <strong>Samedi 27 mai :</st
         rong> cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et El Pa
         staguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservation d
         e 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé aux
         résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domicile
          et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (1041 chars) description2 => NULL description3 => NULL description4 => NULL description5 => NULL description6 => NULL locations => '594' (3 chars) __taxonomy__ => array(1 item) categories => array(1 item) 0 => array(34 items) uid => '6' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319343' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319340' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11008' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
' (145 chars) title => 'Culture' (7 chars) description => '' (0 chars) parent => '2' (1 chars) items => '0' (1 chars) private => '0' (1 chars) type => '' (0 chars) machine_name => '' (0 chars) table_name => '' (0 chars) table_storage_uid => '0' (1 chars) entities => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
__url__ => '
' (85 chars) __key__ => 'db8b20f472b94e00a996da867997435e' (32 chars) description-txt => 'L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe et To
         mi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30. Venez découv
         rir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de la diaspora cubai
         ne) qui sont des institutions ou des jeunes loups de la scène salsa cubaine
          actuelle !Des stages d'apprentissage de danse seront dispensés par Thierry
          de l'école de danse cubaine et caribéenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzal
         ez de Cuba sin fronteras. Vendredi 26 mai : cours, animations et concert -
         Barbaro y su Mayimbe - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael Samedi
          27 mai : cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et E
         l Pastaguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservati
         on de 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé
         aux résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domi
         cile et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (969 chars)
record => array(84 items) uid => '213' (3 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_swapmode => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027228' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '1492809539' (10 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) fe_group => '0' (1 chars) doktype => '0' (1 chars) title => 'Festival Salsa Espace Delacroix' (31 chars) subtitle => '' (0 chars) abstract => 'Barbaro Fines y su Mayimbe et Tomi y su timbalight en concert' (61 chars) text1 => '<h2>L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe e
         t Tomi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30.</h2> <str
         ong>Venez découvrir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de
         de danse seront dispensés par Thierry de l'école de danse cubaine et carib
         éenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzalez de Cuba sin fronteras. <strong>Ven
         dredi 26 mai : </strong>cours, animations et concert - Barbaro y su Mayimbe
         - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael <strong>Samedi 27 mai :</st
         rong> cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et El Pa
         staguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservation d
         e 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé aux
         résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domicile
          et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (1041 chars) text2 => NULL text3 => NULL text4 => NULL text5 => NULL text6 => NULL varchar1 => '' (0 chars) varchar2 => '' (0 chars) varchar3 => '' (0 chars) varchar4 => '' (0 chars) varchar5 => '' (0 chars) varchar6 => '' (0 chars) image1 => array(80 items) uid => '1056' (4 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027622' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) sorting => '641280' (6 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => '3268' (4 chars) uid_foreign => '213' (3 chars) tablenames => 'tx_artificaagenda_event' (23 chars) fieldname => 'image1' (6 chars) sorting_foreign => '1' (1 chars) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) downloadname => NULL crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => '0' (1 chars) missing => '0' (1 chars) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => '1' (1 chars) identifier => '/' (76 chars) identifier_hash => '1ea935be0574d646fdcfb9e353ffc9e720319c91' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'salsa2017_bandeau.jpg' (21 chars) sha1 => '842a01752ce824af576c5fa453199c908c6fca5e' (40 chars) size => '115043' (6 chars) creation_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) modification_date => '1493027249' (10 chars) folder_hash => '6623b73ca2c29e453d197d88120c3738cfdbecaa' (40 chars) file => '3268' (4 chars) width => '1540' (4 chars) height => '740' (3 chars) categories => '0' (1 chars) visible => '1' (1 chars) status => '' (0 chars) keywords => NULL caption => NULL creator_tool => '' (0 chars) download_name => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) publisher => '' (0 chars) source => '' (0 chars) copyright => NULL location_country => '' (0 chars) location_region => '' (0 chars) location_city => '' (0 chars) latitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) longitude => '0.00000000000000' (16 chars) ranking => '0' (1 chars) content_creation_date => '0' (1 chars) content_modification_date => '0' (1 chars) note => NULL unit => '' (0 chars) duration => '0' (1 chars) color_space => '' (0 chars) pages => '0' (1 chars) language => '' (0 chars) fe_groups => NULL url1 => NULL url2 => NULL subtitle => '' (0 chars) __file__ => 'fileadmin/
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' (104 chars) image1 => '' (0 chars) image2 => '' (0 chars) sorting => '0' (1 chars) schedule => NULL opening => NULL closure => NULL reference_id => '0047' (4 chars) file => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars)
location_text => NULL keywords => '' (0 chars) tariffs => NULL files => '' (0 chars) date => array(1 item) 0 => array(25 items) uid => '203' (3 chars) pid => '151' (3 chars) tstamp => '1493034377' (10 chars) crdate => '1493027228' (10 chars) cruser_id => '8' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '1495749600' (10 chars) endtime => '1495836000' (10 chars) title => NULL description => '' (0 chars) event => '213' (3 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_swapmode => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting_foreign => '0' (1 chars) wording => '' (0 chars) url1 => NULL url2 => NULL page => '0' (1 chars) external_url => '' (0 chars) category => '0' (1 chars) preregisted => '0' (1 chars) free_entry => '0' (1 chars) principal_posting => '0' (1 chars) external_relation => '0' (1 chars) html => NULL reference_id => '' (0 chars) tree_uids => '0' (1 chars) resources => NULL tags => NULL related_element => '' (0 chars) duration => '' (0 chars) media => '0' (1 chars) wording => '' (0 chars) date_start => '1495749600' (10 chars) date_end => '1495836000' (10 chars) date-description => '' (0 chars) date_uid => '203' (3 chars) description => '<h2>L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe e
         t Tomi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30.</h2> <str
         ong>Venez découvrir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de
         de danse seront dispensés par Thierry de l'école de danse cubaine et carib
         éenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzalez de Cuba sin fronteras. <strong>Ven
         dredi 26 mai : </strong>cours, animations et concert - Barbaro y su Mayimbe
         - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael <strong>Samedi 27 mai :</st
         rong> cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et El Pa
         staguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservation d
         e 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé aux
         résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domicile
          et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (1041 chars) description2 => NULL description3 => NULL description4 => NULL description5 => NULL description6 => NULL locations => '594' (3 chars) __taxonomy__ => array(1 item) categories => array(1 item) 0 => array(34 items) uid => '6' (1 chars) pid => '0' (1 chars) tstamp => '1477319343' (10 chars) crdate => '1477319340' (10 chars) cruser_id => '1' (1 chars) deleted => '0' (1 chars) hidden => '0' (1 chars) starttime => '0' (1 chars) endtime => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_oid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_id => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_wsid => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_stage => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_count => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_tstamp => '0' (1 chars) t3ver_move_id => '0' (1 chars) t3_origuid => '0' (1 chars) sorting => '11008' (5 chars) sys_language_uid => '0' (1 chars) l10n_parent => '0' (1 chars) l10n_diffsource => 'a:8:{s:5:"title";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:6:"parent";N;s
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__url__ => '
' (85 chars) __key__ => 'db8b20f472b94e00a996da867997435e' (32 chars) description-txt => 'L'Association Live&amp;Vivo présente Barbaro Fines&nbsp; y su Mayimbe et To
         mi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30. Venez découv
         rir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de la diaspora cubai
         ne) qui sont des institutions ou des jeunes loups de la scène salsa cubaine
          actuelle !Des stages d'apprentissage de danse seront dispensés par Thierry
          de l'école de danse cubaine et caribéenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzal
         ez de Cuba sin fronteras. Vendredi 26 mai : cours, animations et concert -
         Barbaro y su Mayimbe - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael Samedi
          27 mai : cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et E
         l Pastaguero - Thierry de Elegua Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservati
         on de 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé
         aux résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domi
         cile et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).
' (969 chars)
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Tout l'agenda


Festival Salsa Espace Delacroix

Barbaro Fines y su Mayimbe et Tomi y su timbalight en concert

L'Association Live&Vivo présente Barbaro Fines  y su Mayimbe et Tomi y su timbalight en concert à l'Espace Delacroix à 21h30.

Venez découvrir ces groupes extraordinaires (cubains, péruviens et de la diaspora cubaine) qui sont des institutions ou des jeunes loups de la scène salsa cubaine actuelle !

Des stages d'apprentissage de danse seront dispensés par Thierry de l'école de danse cubaine et caribéenne Ellegua et Carlos Rafael Gonzalez de Cuba sin fronteras.

Vendredi 26 mai : cours, animations et concert - Barbaro y su Mayimbe - DJ Patricia et Hervé el Loco - Carlos Rafael

Samedi 27 mai : cours, animations et concert - Tomi y su Timbalight - DJ Didi et El Pastaguero - Thierry de Elegua

Un tarif préférentiel en pré réservation de 40€ en avril et 45€ en mai (contre 60€ sur place) est réservé aux résidents du Val-de-Marne sur le pass 2 jours (sur justificatif de domicile et inscription au numéro Infoline 06 12 08 54 04).